Michelle Denise, LLC
Learning Experience Design

I'm blessed to have a beautiful sunset in my front yard! Sunsets only last a few minutes but provide the perfect opportunity to reflect and dream. I constantly challenge myself to make my dreams a reality.
While raising my wonderful children, I took every opportunity as an educator to continue learning. It's through my love of learning that I developed my love of creating.
Work Experience

eLearning Developer/Instructional Designer, Freelance
Learning Tribes (Contract)
IDOL Academy Virtual Mentor
December 2020 - Present

Technology, Engineering, and Design Educator
Onslow County Schools
August 2005 - June 2021
Sales Representative
Chatham Hill Winery
March 2019 - November 2020

Statistical Analyst
January 2014 - January 2015
Training Petty Officer
U.S. Navy
May 1998 - November 2001
M.A. Human Resource Development
Webster Univeristy
December 2003

B.S. Business Administration
University of Maryland
August 2002
Software Skills
Articulate 360
iPunch Home and Landscape Design
The Bridge Designer
3D Printing Cubify Invent
(Certified 10/14/2020) Pitsco Education LMS Administrator
(Certified 07/2016) Paxton Patterson LMS Administrator
(Certified 4/14/2016) Microsoft Office Specialist – PowerPoint, Word, & Excel
(Completed 01/2013) COLT Certification – Carolina Online Teacher
(Certified 10/17/2012) EverFi Teacher Ambassador